Sunday, June 11, 2006

Quietly Dividing

Unless something changes, it looks like we're heading towards a 5-day transfer. My RE called this morning with the following news:

5 out of 6 of the embies that fertilized right away are Excellent quality (Grade 1) at the 6-8 cell stage. The other 1 out of those 6 is of VeryVery Good quality (Grade 1.5) at the 6-8 cell stage. Our late-bloomer is looking good but is still behind the others at 2-4 cells.

We are scheduled for a transfer of 2 blastocysts on Tuesday morning.

Not all of our embryos are statistically likely to make it to blast stage, so we might lose a few, but at this point (due to the good quality) it looks like we'll have enough to freeze for at least one FET. That would be really nice.

There's a lot of sensitive cell-division action that these embryos have to go through in the next couple days. They don't even check the embryos on Day 4 because they don't want to disturb them at all. Next, they'll be heading towards the compacted morula stage (16-32 cells), which I see as a kind of teenage phase - things can be kinda rough in there until they reach blastocyst.

So I am keeping calm and gentle thoughts while biology does its thing. Just think, we were all compacted morulas once. ;)


Sarah said...

Yippee!! How exciting. It is so nice to hear that you will make it to a 5-day transfer. It is a bit nerve wracking knowing that some won't make it, but all you need are a couple good ones! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the compacted morulas... :)

Here's another weird thought - it is very possible that you could be 2 1/2 weeks pregnant RIGHT NOW, even though the little ones aren't in your body! That is what I'm hoping for you.

Good luck on Tuesday!

ellie said...

This is so cool! I hope you get a good one- and that it sticks!
Good luck on Tuesday!

Lut C. said...

I'm glad things are going well. Good luck.

Thalia said...

Phew, That sounds like a great bunch of embryos, well done! Hoping you get a bunch to freeze, as well as two beauties to put back.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your embryos are doing wonderfully! If found the days between retrieval and transfer to be more difficult than I expected. I hope you're holding up well.
Having one to freeze would be great but then again, so would not needing to use it. Good luck!

Bea said...

Wow - that is good news! I know things can still get rough, but the little guys keep crossing those hurdles - let's hope they make it through the rest.

Be waiting for your news on Tuesday.


seattlegal said...

Sounds like things are going well! Good luck on Tuesday!

Meg said...

Great Utrus! Good luck for your transfer. xx

LiL Moo & Mee said...

Good luck with trasfer, sending grow dust.

Family Ties said...

And what a great compacted morulas you've become :) So look at your children's potential! :) Good luck!

Jo said...

Great news!!! I hope you make your 5 day transfer with some to freeze. Sounds like you are doing perfect!

Rachel said...

Sounds like really good news. I'm glad everything looks good so far (knock on wood!) Sending happy and lucky and implanting thoughts your way.

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

What great news! I hope that your little embies continue to grow and divide nicely, and I wish you a very smooth transfer. Thinking of you!

Serenity said...

Great great news, Utrus!!! I hope your embryos continue to divide nicely and become compacted morulas. :)

x said...

Your clinic sounds like they are good with giving detail. That is great news. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday.

MoMo said...

Oh..this sounds so fantastic. Sounds like your clinic is doing a really good job. Good luck on the transfer tomorrow.

Keeping The Faith said...

You will be in my thoughts tomorrow! It's wonderful that you made it to a 5 day transfer. Good luck. I'll be checking back to see how you are doing.

Alli and Frankie said...

Wow - that is exciting. Good luck with everything - can't wait to hear an update!