Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Trigger Mode

I shot the hCG trigger (10,000 USP units) last night at 7:45PM. It was no problem - I was allowed to give it sub-cutaneously in the thigh, not intramuscular, so it was pretty much on par with all the other pokes.

Hubs said from the other room, "Wait! Don't do it without me - I want to witness it." Fine with me - I thought that was cute of him. He was there for the initial injection lesson and first shots and since then, I've been taking care of all my injections without a "witness." The way I look at it, the fewer people in our little family who are wrapped up with the daily details, the better. He is sensitive and concerned and perfectly involved, but he's also really happy and not obsessed with this project. I feel this benefits both of us.

Note to self: In the past few hours I have felt really tired and bbs very sore. Makes sense with the hCG. I just want to remind myself that "symptoms" during an IVF cycle are pretty much a bogus indicator of anything. And hey, does anyone know: is 10,000 USP units a lot of hCG? If I didn't get nauseated at all as a reaction to this injection, can we assume that I would not show any nausea at an early pregnancy amount of less than 10,000 USP?

Retrieval is tomorrow. We have to be there at 6:15AM, and Hubs has to do his business (or as he so politely says it, "play the baloney banjo") right before we take off in the car. I am to keep it warm on the short drive. The nurse suggested placing it in my cleavage, until I pointed out that ... um... I don't actually HAVE a cleavage, what with my tremendous A-cups. We had a good laugh over that. Between the thighs will do. Hubs can drive.

I'll update tomorrow or Friday. Hey SuperWomen, think good retrieval and fertilization thoughts for me, will ya? Yet another important stop down this long road.


Bea said...

Good luck.

The very best.


Meg said...

The baloney banjo. Well, that's a new one! Best wishes for your retrieval, UtRus. x

LiL Moo & Mee said...

Wishing you so much good luck for retrival, hoping you get some juicy googies.

Jo said...

Hoping for all the best for you! Keeping everyting crossed : )
I think 10,000 is normal for most people unless you are hyper-stimming. I had 1 shot of 5000 when my e2 was 5200 and other was 10000 when my e2 was 3700. I was very nauseated this last hcg shot, but never before. Doc says that happens sometimes. Will let you know in a week or so if it means anything...

MoMo said...

Good luck with retrieval. I will be thinking positive thoughts for you. Hugs!

Rachel said...

I hope things go well for you! I'm sending positive energy your way! Good luck!

charlie's mom said...

The baloney banjo! Good luck!

Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I hope that retrieval went well. I can't wait to hear your fertilization report. Hugs!

Sunny Jenny said...

Holy Smokes! That was fast! Just yesterday you had a cyst aspirated! Man you have some stellar ovaries!

Good Luck to you!! I hope you get lots of lovely eggs that turn into gorgeous embryos!

Serenity said...

Sending you good retrieval and fertilization vibes from here...


Anonymous said...

Praying for you a lot this week!

BTW, I didn't get nauseated either time I had the hCG shot, but have definitely had nausea since early on in my pregnancy. At least in my case, having no nausea didn't mean I wouldn't have it later.

Keep us posted!