Saturday, December 30, 2006

14w2d Get In My Belly!

I am an eating machine. Trying to consume healthy stuff, and for the most part that is going ok. I seem to have no desire whatsoever for sweet stuff, which is totally weird for me. I barely touched any holiday treats because they just seemed kinda... ew. Normally, I would be eating a Christmas cookie or candy every 10 minutes if it was anywhere in the vicinity.

The hard thing is that I am starving just about 2 hours after I've eaten. Even if I eat something very high in protein, like this morning - 2 eggs on toast and cereal with milk. Hungry again just 2.5 hours later. My non-preg with twins self would be fine until 4 in the afternoon on fuel like that!

Does anyone have any tips (except for "keep eating!") that might make this a bit easier? I know it sounds kinda fun to be hungry all the time, but it's totally not. It's kinda demoralizing. Because I don't enjoy the food in the way I might when feeling normal. It's a VERY intense hunger but though I am not exactly nauseated all the time, it's still kinda yucky to eat about 70% of the time. But I HAVE to eat, and do it immediately, because if I don't the blood glucose plummets and the crash is not pretty: shaky, depressive feelings, dizziness.

Oh yeah, I should mention - I don't eat meat/poultry, which makes it all a bit more challenging. I DO eat plenty of dairy, eggs, and some seafood, though I am trying not to overdo this (mercury and other contaminant concerns + environmental concerns). I'm definitely into the tofu, tempeh, beans, seeds, nuts, etc. and trying to balance with complex carbs and good amout of fats. but I'm running out of creativity! Help! Anything you can think of besides "Suck it up, UtRus!" ?


Anonymous said...

Avocados are good eatin :-) I also found that when I was in that stage, sucking a mint or ginger candy soothed my stomach and maintained my fragile blood sugar. Good luck!

Lyrehca said...

Consider moving to whole grains and healthy fats, if you're not already. I eat natural peanut butter mixed into oatmeal every day for breakfast (with skim milk and grapes, too) and it lasts me for hours. Cheese sticks have also sustained me in the middle of the night when I wake up and my stomach is growling.

ellie said...

Well hmm, I can't really offer any food advice-- though I tend to lean towards rice as a default for anytime I am hungry and not feeling well. You could also do quinoa and that would add protein. Glad that you are doing well! I was just checking in and saying hi.

Anonymous said...

I'm 16w with twins and I eat like it is my job. I get dizzy if it has been more than a couple of hours since my last meal. Cheese has been working wonders...high in protein and calcium and very filling. Cheese toast too. Or turkey bacon-egg-cheese on a roll. Peanut butter on toast. Bean-cheese-veggie burritos. And more cheese.....

beagle said...

Have you tried quinoa and quinoa pasta products?? I mix quinoa into things because it's a bit boring on it's own and the pasta is OK with a good sauce. It's supposed to be a really great vegetable protein. You can buy flour to bake with, etc.

Rachel said...

I remember that kind of hunger. My friend E who is a vegie ate tons of peanut butter while pregnant. Peanut butter an any sort of nuts. She ate every two hours too, just about, but if there are just some nuts around you can just snack and not feel like it's a meal every second.

OHN said...

The only thing that kept me going was a goodie bag in my purse or desk all the time. I had a variety of raisins, carrots, graham crackers,nuts, even water helped some. I found that if I snacked most of the time, I really felt better in the long run. Also if you eat a little something before you get that hungry feeling it might make you feel better too. A friend swore by ginger for calming her stomach-never worked for me though. Once I hit 16 weeks, almost as if someone had turned off a switch, I started to feel are almost there ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey you, I've been following your blog since you got the second FET transfer and I'm so excited for you! You've inspired me and kept me sane for these past few months. I'm 38 and also "unexplained" or "age related secondary" blah, blah, blah. Anyhow, yesterday after seven long months of ttc and one round of clomid, I finally got a bfp too!!! Still can't really believe it but I'm trying to hope for good things in 2007! Congratulations to you and stay healthy and happy!

Eva said...

I totally had that -- hungry all the time, and lost interests in sweets for a while -- though that came back. Everyone else's ideas sound way healthier, but I really enjoy liquids -- like yogurt smoothies, or real smoothies, or milk shakes/ice cream (okay, that goes against what I said about sweets). Also nut-filled granola bars.

Just wait -- although your eating may slow down later in pregnancy, it comes back with a vengeance if you decide to BF twins -- but the pounds come off then, as well!

Emmie said...

I know exactly how you feel. I'm never nauseated, but the thought of food isn't very appealing most of the time. And if I don't eat every 2 hours, I feel like I will pass out.

Here's what I keep on hand to snack on during the day: plain rice cakes, string cheese, granola bars with whole almonds, peanut butter and crackers, hardboiled eggs, mini whole-wheat bagels, clementines, grapes, and cherries. I find if I eat all of these things throughout the day with a small, high-protein lunch, I don't feel like hunger will kill me so much in the evening. Eating dinner after 6 pm gives me indigestion, so I usually have another small meat-focused meal when I get home from work and then I end with a small bowl of butterless, saltless popcorn before I go to bed. It's like an eating marathon!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Dairy and Eggs are good and so are nuts. I know it sucks, but you'll be able to eat again soon. I was so frustrated by week 14 too because I was sick of EVERYTHING in my limited scope of what sounded good for that five minutes. Creativity went out the window with me.

Hang in there.

Shell said...

Well when I as PG I was so sick I didnt want to eat anything... Being hungry all the time sounds like my 2ww on clomid but not as much fun as being hungry cause 2 little babies are using up all your energy. Try eating some pulses like dahl and have some trail mix in your purse for quick snacks till you can get some real food. Goodluck with the hunger !! I hope it settles down for you soon..