Sunday, May 06, 2007

32w3d Still Lying Here, Still Growin'!

Today is my 19th day on bedrest in the hospital. Some days go pretty fast, others are tedious & repetitive. All in all, I've been mostly in good spirits and we're gettin' there:

We just got scanned by our favorite perinatologist. Though she isn't sending us home - Baby A's fluid showed no change from last week - index of 6.5 - Baby A does not seem to show any evidence of hitting or constricting her cord, which is what they're so carefully watching out for with the low fluid.. All NST tracings thus far have shown two very happy babies. They show no reaction to contractions, have good accelerations, etc...

baby A (girl) is estimated to weigh 4lbs 6 oz
baby B (boy) is estimated to weigh 4lbs 13 oz

( these weights are +- 10%)

Even though I've been having contractions (constantly monitored as things can change fast) my cervix is still completely closed and fairly long (3.0cm) for this stage of twin pregnancy. i am really getting big - after all, I have over 9 lbs of baby in there (plus an extra placenta and amniotic fluid) so I am quite past the size that most people would be with a singleton.

... no wonder with that plus bedrest, walking to the bathroom and back (about 10 feet!) is fairly tiring.

so... onward. this was very nice news today and really helps get me through the more challenging days here in the slammer.

p.s. I am now over 160 lbs. Started at 116! (insert elephant sfx here)


Eva said...

I'm so glad that you're doing well, or as well as can be expected. I found that being in a hospital (and I wasn't there as long as you) can start to make you feel like a patient, and sicker than you might have been, so I'm glad you're keeping in good spirits.

BTW, I started at the exact same weight, gained over 50 pounds, and am back where I started 8 months later. Yay, breastfeeding twins!

Please keep us posted when there's anything new to report...

Sara said...

Wow! That's a lot of baby in there!

I'm glad that you're doing well, and that you may be able to keep them in there for a while yet.

Good luck with everything. Keep us posted.

Kirsten said...

You have such a great attitude! I'm glad to see that things are going well for the 3 of you. Oh, and 160 isn't bad!! I started at 140 and am waiting to see where I am at today at just over 23 weeks. I'd really like to stay under 200 pounds though!!!!
Best of luck to you all : )

Lyrehca said...

Good luck!

Lut C. said...

I'm glad the news continues to be encouraging.

You sound like you're coping pretty well with the bedrest. I hope you're not too bored. Hang in there!

Shauna said...

I don't know how you're managing to stay sane. 19 days in hospital??? Ug. I found it so difficult to get a good rest.

Good luck UtRus. I'll be thinking of you in the weeks to come.

singletracey said...

well sounds like things are moving along great!

Hope your sentence in the hospital continues to go well!

Hopeful Mother said...

I'm so glad to hear that they're still cookin' in there. Good job!

Hang in there!