Thursday, June 14, 2007

So Incredibly Lucky

Can't write now, too busy tandem breast-feeding :)

Just wanted all of you lovely blog friends to know that we delivered by C-section two incredible babies. Forgive me for keeping their names and likenesses off the internet, but know that:

Baby A (girl) was born 6lbs 11oz and has loads of black hair...

Baby B (boy) was born 6lbs 6 oz and looks just like his (handsome) daddy.

We are incredibly grateful to the universe, to the way things sometimes go when they are very very good. We don't take these miracles for granted for one second, and wish every one of you even half as much love and life that we're experiencing right now.

More soon... when I've had a bit more sleep.


Bea said...

Congrats, and I'm glad it all went well.


Anonymous said...

Oh oh oh, I am SO thrilled for you! Each of your babies are bigger than my 6 lb 2oz little one from January.

Can't wait to read more when you have had some sleep!

Thalia said...

Mazel tov sweetie! Very pleased to hear your news.

Eva said...

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! I am so excited for the 4 of you. Those are huge twins, what an amazing incubator you are. Glad you're able to tandem feed. Hope BFing is going well and that you are getting at least a little sleep. Tell us more when you can, I'm greedy that way.

Anonymous said...

Very exciting- congratulations!

charlie's mom said...


Mary Ellen said...


Mel said...

Congratulations!!! You had your babies the same day I had my baby! :) Your babies were nice and big and almost the same size as my singleton. Isn't motherhood the most amazing thing? Are you totally in love? Wishing you as much sleep as you can get. :)

Lyrehca said...

Hooray and mazel tov!

singletracey said...

CONGRATS!!!! I hope all is going well for you...


seattlegal said...


spinarella said...

Many many congrats!

Jennifer said...

Congrats!! Tandem nursing??!! I am so impressed! I still can only latch one on regulary and the second, on her whim!

Can you post pictures?? I can't wait to hear the whole birth story!!

Gotta run...Baby A and Baby B are fussing!

Melzie said...

Congrat's, although belated.

Emmie said...

Good job, Mom--sounds like you have two excellent babies! Congrats!

x said...

Tandem breast feeding - your a superstar!!!
My girl was 6lb11oz too, what a nice size. In fact, for twins, yours are a great size. So glad to hear that everybody is home, healthy and happy.

Lut C. said...

Wow! Great news! Congratulations.
I wish you a speedy recovery from your C-section.

beagle said...

Congratualtions! Those are great weights, especially for twins! Way to go Mom!

Sara said...

Congratulations! Such wonderful news. Good job with the tandem breastfeeding. It must be overwhelming, but it also sounds just glorious. Way to go!